Dr. Steven J. Rehse

 The Rehse Group

Dr. Steven Rehse

Department Head & Professor

  • Experimental Biomedical Physics
  • AMO Physics
  • Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of bacteria


(519) 253-3000 x2656

Rehse talking picture

This site is dedicated to describing and supporting the activities of Dr. Steve Rehse, a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. 

By clicking on the links at the left you'll be able to read about our research activities, find descriptions of all the students who have worked in the Rehse Group, and keep up to date with current developments. 

You can also find historical archives of all the Rehse group publications and presentations, whcih we hope will be a valuable resource for you.

Lastly, a great video filmed and produced by the students of the Rehse Lab is provided below to give you an idea about what we do for our research. 

Thank you for visiting us, and enjoy!

Link to Rehse Lab video

Please follow us on Instagram @RehseLab "Biomedical physicists and medical scientists working to identify bacteria - One laser shot at a time."