Deans' Council Fund

The University of Windsor Deans' Council Fund provides supplementary financial assistance for on campus events, activities and special initiatives related to the enriching the student experience. This fund supports proposals up to $1,500. Applications must meet all criteria to be eligible for review.

All applications go through a competitive assessment process, which is designed to ensure equality, openness and transparency for on-campus groups seeking financial assistance through Dean’s Council. The council is proud to support activities and initiatives that align with the values, foundational commitments, strategic priorities, and/or strategic opportunities as outlined in the University of Windsor’s strategic plan (

Applicants are required to align their project with one or more of the objectives from the University of Windsor’s Aspire Strategic Plan to be eligible for funding. Faculty specific requests are not eligible for funding. The initiative should impact the larger campus community and not only students enrolled in a specific Faculty.  

Deans' Council Strategic Priorities Fund Criteria

Funding up to $1,500 is available for on-campus groups, student clubs, or societies to advance campus activities for current students that focus on the six institutional practices identified through the strategic planning process as critical to the mission of the university:

  1. Advancing the Journey toward Truth and Reconciliation
  2. Becoming an Increasingly Equitable, Diverse, Inclusive and Just University
  3. Ensuring High Quality, Relevant, and Just Teaching, Learning, and Student Experience for Everyone
  4. Fostering an Engaged, Healthy, Safe, and Environmentally Sustainable Campus
  5. Generating Local and Global Impact through Partnership and Community Engagement
  6. Advancing Bold, Impactful Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity

Please note that this fund is not intended to support fundraising activities for external organizations.


How to Apply for Funding:

Online applications must be completed using this webform, they will be sent to the Deans' Council for review. There are three (3) deadlines for applications per year - November 30th, March 31st, and July 31st. Applicants will be notified of funding decision within one month after the deadline.


Funding Guidelines

Deans' Council shall use the following guidelines when deciding on each funding application:

  • Alignment with the values, foundational commitments, strategic priorities, and/or strategic opportunities as outlined in the University of Windsor’s strategic plan.
  • Breadth and depth of impact for campus community.
  • Detailed and realistic budget and clearly articulated need for additional funds.
  • Reputational impact to the University of Windsor.

Please note: Deans' Council will limit the overall number of awards provided in each academic year. Limit of one application per organization will be funded each academic year.

Applications will be reviewed by the Deans' Council, and once a decision is made, the Provost’s Office will notify the applicant of the Council’s decision.


Fill out the application below:

Name of on-campus group, student club or society requesting funds. Alignment with the values, foundational commitments, strategic priorities, and/or strategic opportunities as outlined in the University of Windsor’s strategic plan. A brief description of the foundational commitments, strategic priorities, and/or strategi opportunities this request will address.
A brief description of the planned event, activity or special initiative in satisfaction of the criteria outlined above. Please include details such as date(s), itinerary, types of activities, approximate number of participants (i.e. coordinators, volunteers, and the number of people expected to attend).
What is the bread and depth of impact for the campus community?
A full detailed budget (salary, supplies, equipment, etc.) with information outlining how the funds will be used.
If additional funds are not available please indicate why? Indicate any additional funds available to support the event, activity, or special initiative.
Indicate how this request will impact the reputation of the University of Windsor.
If you have any additional information you would like to attach as a file, please do so here.
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