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Conversation Boards

Poster inviting the campus community to the conversation boardsConversation Boards were held on March 10 and 12, 2020 at the CAW Student Centre between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm

The discussion boards were visited by 483 individuals, the mayority being students.

At the conversation boards, individuals shared their thoughts about:

  • Benefits associated with the University becoming a smoke-free campus (tobacco, cannabis and vaping)
  • Potential challenges as the University moves towards becoming a smoke-free campus
  • Questions or concerns that they may have
  • Resources that should be available for students, faculty and staff to support the transition

A summary of the information gathered will be posted on this site once it is finalized. Should you have any questions please e-mail

Thank you to the 4th Year students from the Faculty of Nursing for helping us with this activity

Students from Faculty of Nursing at the Conversation Boards Booth