Stones piled on beach

Create A Coping Plan

When you're experiencing strong emotions, overwhelm, exhaustion, or crisis, it can be difficult to figure out what you need in the moment and how best to cope. One helpful way to support your well-being through tough times is to proactively develop a coping plan now so that you can use it as a guide to help you bring in the right support when you need it most.

What to include in your coping plan: 

► Your stress signals: What thoughts, emotions, behaviours, or physical signs do you tend to experience that tell you your stress is increasing? With this self-awareness, you can take these signals as cues to start using your coping strategies and supports.

Hands holding twinkle lights

► Coping strategies that have helped before: Knowing what has helped in the past is a great place to start when identifying coping strategies that work best for you. What strategies have helped you get through other difficult times? What are activities that you enjoy doing that help support your well-being?

► New coping strategies to try: Identifying new ideas for coping that you haven't explored yet increases the tools in your coping toolkit and provides you with options to try if you find that your go-to strategies aren't helping in the way you need them to. Not every coping strategy will be the right fit in every situation - coping is all about finding the approaches that best support your well-being and meet your unique needs in the moment.

► Resources for support: Check out our Mental Health & Wellness Resource Guide and select a few supports that you might feel comfortable reaching out to the next time you need to talk through what's on your mind.

 A message of care to your future self: Leave yourself a caring message that you can return to if you ever need a reminder that you matter, that healing can happen, and that you're not alone.


Looking for a space to explore your thoughts and ideas? Download Creating a Coping Plan for Getting Through Tough Times below!

Download the Coping Plan Guide