
There will be a meeting of the Senate
on, Friday October 10, 2014, at 2:30 p.m.
Room 203 in the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre
1   Approval of Agenda (Unstarring agenda items)
2   Minutes of the meetings of June 6, 2014                                                                          SM140606 
3   Business arising from the minutes
4    Outstanding Business/Action Items
      4.1  Candidates for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates                               Alan Wildeman-Approval            
5     Reports/New Business
       5.1  Report from the Student Presidents                                                              UWSA-Information
             (UWSA, OPUS, GSS)                                                                                     OPUS-Information
         5.2  Report of the President                                                                                Alan Wildeman
         5.3  Report of the Academic Colleague                                                                    Philip Dutton
         5.4  Senate Student CaucusZiad Kobti
         5.5  Program Development Committee (link to June 5 or Sept 16th PDC Meeting)
                *5.5.1  Program Course Changes                                                        Lionel Walsh-Approval
                           *a) Mathematics and Statistics – Minor Program Changes (Graduate)    Sa141010-.5.5.1a
                            *b) Law New Course Proposals (Graduate)                                        Sa141010-.5.5.1b
                            *c) Labour Studies – New Course Proposal                                        Sa141010-.5.5.1c
                            *d) Electrical and Computer Engineering – Degree Requirement
                                  BASc – Minor Program Changes                                                 Sa141010-.5.5.1d
                             *e) Communication, Media and Film – New Course Proposals             Sa141010-.5.5.1e
                             *f)  English - Minor Program Changes                                              Sa141010-.5.5.1f
                             *g)  Education - Minor in Organizational Learning and Teaching          Sa141010-.5.5.1g
                              *h)  Education - Minor in In Organizational Learning and Teaching
                                     New Course Proposals                                                             Sa141010-.5.5.1h
                              *i)  Earth and Environmental Sciences - Course Deletions                    Sa141010-.5.5.1i
                              *j)  Earth and Environmental Sciences - New Course Proposal              Sa141010-.5.5.1j
                              *k)  Earth and Environmental Sciences  - Minor Program Changes        Sa141010-.5.5.1k
                              *l)   Communication, Media and Film - Minor Program Changes            Sa141010-.5.5.1l
                              *m) Communication, Media and Film - New Course Proposals             Sa141010-.5.5.1m
                              *n)  Music - Minor Program Regulation Changes                                 Sa141010-.5.5.1n
                  5.5.2  Certificate in Border Management & International Trade                Lionel Walsh-Approval
                           a) New Program Proposal                                                                    Sa141010-5.5.2a
                           b) New Course Proposals                                                                     Sa141010-5.5.2b
                           Additional Letters of Support
                  *5.5.3    Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) – Revision          Lionel Walsh-Approval
          5.6    Academic Policy Committee                        
                  5.6.1  Report on Student Awards Established During the         Rick Caron-Information/Approval
                           2013-2014  Academic Year and Proposed Change                                    Sa141010-5.6.1
                           to Entrance Scholarship Program
                  5.6.2  Proposed International Admission Requirements – Revisions             Rick Caron-Approval
          5.7    Senate Governance Committee
                  5.7.1  Revised Bylaws 5, 8, 10, 12                                               Katherine Quinsey-Approval
                   5.7.2  Revised Bylaw 12                                                            Katherine Quinsey-Approval
                   5.7.3  Revised Bylaws 20, 22, 23                                                Katherine Quinsey-Approval
                   5.7.4  Revised Bylaw 20 – University Professor Title                           Alan Wildeman-Approval
           5.8   Report of the Provost                                                                                              Bob Orr
           5.9   Report of Vice-President, Research and Innovation                                         K W Michael Siu
6         Question Period/Other Business
7          Adjournment                      
Please carefully review the ‘starred’ (*) agenda items.  As per the June 3, 2004 Senate meeting, ‘starred’ item will not be discussed during a scheduled meeting unless a member specifically requests that a ‘starred’ agenda item be ‘unstarred’, and therefore open for discussion/debate. This can be done any time before (by forwarding the request to the secretary) or during the meeting. By the end of the meeting, agenda items which remain ‘starred’ (*) will be deemed approved or received.