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Reunions & Special Events Funding Application

This fund supports events for alumni or class reunions, for 20 people or more, to a maximum of $1000, that provide opportunities for alumni and students to participate in activities in support of the University of Windsor and to host and/or sponsor events in Canada, the United States and internationally. Special consideration is given to applications for Alumni Week events. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to event for consideration. We will advise you of the next meeting date upon receipt of your application. 

  1. The Alumni Association will be recognized as a sponsor on the promotional materials you create for your event/reunion. The alumni logo will be provided for your use.
  2. Alumni Association/Alumni Affairs will promote your event or reunion on the alumni website.
  3. The Alumni Association will provide banners and signage to display at your event.
  4. The Office of Alumni Affairs will provide promotional items for distribution at your event or reunion.
  5. Funding will be provided to the group at least one month prior to the event (time permitting).   
  6. The group further agrees to provide a list of attendees and any updated information to Office of Alumni Affairs for updating.
  7. After the event, please submit a brief summary of the event and include a few pictures that can be used on the University of Windsor website, eNews or View magazine.


General Information
Indicate venue name and location.
Marketing and Promotion
Briefly describe the event you are proposing (expand box as needed) and/or attach a schedule of events or agenda.
Please indicate the total number of expected attendees. Include a breakdown of the number of alumni, guests, students, faculty, retirees.
Attach your agenda and/or schedule of events.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Financial Matters
Include a dollar amount followed by and explanation of how the funds will be used. If funding by the Association is for a specific item, provide as much detail as possible. Below, attach a budget showing expenses and revenue. If firm numbers are not available, provide a estimate to the best of your knowledge.
Is your Faculty or Department financially supporting this event?
Attach a budget for the event. Show expenses and revenue (registration, other funding, sponsorship). If firm numbers are not available, provide a estimate to the best of your knowledge.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
Please provide University Account number.
Payment Options
Recognition and acknowledgement
Briefly describe how the Alumni Association will be recognized at your event. This could include but not limited to the following: on print materials, website, event registration, signage at the event, program and/or in remarks at the event.

For Office Use Only

Please do not complete the following fields. This section is for Aumni Affairs and Donor Communications use only.