Back parking lot

Parking Rules and Regulations

Parking regulations and restrictions

Kindly read the following carefully, as failure to follow these regulations and restrictions could result in your vehicle being towed away at your expense. Canterbury College assumes no liability for loss or damage to vehicle or contents while parked in its lots.

  1. To assist in monitoring the parking lots, your Parking Permit must be hanging from the rear view mirror, facing outward and visible.
  2.  Do not park in front of or block access to our dumpsters or our garage located at the north end of our property in the alleyway.
  3. Parking along GFH is ANGLE PARKING ONLY. Any permit holder not following this regulation will be subject to tow. Since not all parking spots are marked, please park as close as safely possible to allow all permit holders a spot.
  4. The front row of the Administration Building lot is assigned to Canterbury staff only.
  5. The driveway at Anselm House is part of the Canterbury parking lots and requires a permit. This area is reserved and must only be parked at with permission from the office.
  6. Please do not drive or park on the lawns unless advised by a Canterbury staff member.
  7. If you change the vehicle you registered with Canterbury, you must advise the Administration as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in your vehicle being towed.
  8. Parking permits must match the vehicle that they are registered to. If you switch between two different vehicles, both vehicles need to be registered under the permit. Only one vehicle registered to a permit may park in the lot at one time. If multiple vehicles under the same permit are parked in the lot simultaneously, all but one will be towed.
  9. Residents may not get a parking permit and loan or sell it to a friend.
  10. On occasion some parking spots are taken by contractors working on-site, therefore if you cannot find a parking spot on our lot please come to the office and we will assist you in finding a spot.
  11. There is a $10 fee to replace lost permits.
  12. There is a $25 fee if you need to refund any portion of your permit after purchase. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and approved by the College. No refund will begiven after the expiry of a permit or after a month or months requesting a refund have passed. Written notice must be given prior to the commencement of any month for that month to be considered for a refund.
  13. It is your responsibility to renew your permit prior to the expiry date.
  14. During the winter months all spots may not be available due to high volumes of snow – during this time spots are not guaranteed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Contact Us

Phone: (519) 971-3646
