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Clubs Week promises something for everyone

With more than 110 student groups registered with the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, Clubs Week promises something for everyone, says coordinator Bola Rahman.

“Joining clubs is the lifeline of being a student,” says the third-year business major. “It is part of the university experience.”

Before she took on her current role, she was active with the Odette Toastmasters, African Union, the Nigerian Student Association, the Soccer Club, and All Nations Youth on Campus. Now, she says, she’s automatically a member of every club.

Clubs Week runs today through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the CAW Student Centre. The event takes the form of an information fair, with each group staffing a table to register new members.

Rahman expects about 65 clubs to participate, and says it will extend from the Commons area to Ambassador Auditorium.