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Deadline approaching for Volunteer Internship Program applications

UWindsor students who want to enhance their resumes with a professional and rewarding experience should consider the Centre for Career Education’s Volunteer Internship Program (VIP). The application deadline is March 15 to participate in the summer 2012 term.
Participants contribute 40 hours of volunteer work in a non-profit organization in the Windsor-Essex community and attend career development workshops and activities. In exchange, they get work-related experience, networking opportunities, and recognition on their academic transcripts.
Past job titles have included:

  • fundraising assistant
  • hospital volunteer
  • marketing and public relations assistant
  • classroom assistant
  • Web page developers
  • fitness activities coordinator

The program is open to all undergraduate students in good academic standing. To find more information, log in to the Centre for Career Education’s myCareer site at using your UWin ID and password. Click on the VIP link in the blue bar at the top of the myCareer homepage to access the VIP application and questionnaire.