Reviews of both the Residence Services and Food and Catering Services operations will focus on the goal of enhancing services and developing a long-term strategy for the two areas.
Steering committees for each of the reviews comprise the following membership:
- Residence Services—Brooke White, Diane Rawlings, Chris Busch, David Bussière
- Food and Catering Services—Anna Kirby, Dave McEwen, Jim Marsh, Enrique Chacon
Sandra Aversa, vice-president, planning and administration, and Clayton Smith, vice-provost, students and international, will act as co-chairs overseeing the entire process.
Stakeholders identified as important to the process will be asked to participate through focus groups, interviews and surveys.
The University has engaged an external organization, FS Strategies, to assist in the review; representatives will be on campus March 25 to 28 conducting focus groups, interviews, touring and observing meal hours in campus food locations.