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Faith Fauteux and Justin Borrelli Second-year nursing majors Faith Fauteux and Justin Borrelli scope out their textbooks in the Campus Bookstore.

Wet weather not enough to dampen spirits as students prepare for semester’s start

A little rain didn’t stop UWindsor students from enjoying start-of-school activities, as they took in everything from the traditional “purpling” of first-year engineers to the Lancer Cup’s Tough Lancer competition.

Eager shoppers thronged the Campus Bookstore and some intrepid souls even ventured into libraries in preparation for the start of classes Thursday.

Johnathan Wputescu and Emmanuel Igbokwe
First-year students Johnathan Wputescu of electrical engineering and Emmanuel Igbokwe of biochemistry pay attention during an orientation session for new enrollees in the Outstanding Scholars program.

Lusk and Morin
Brigid Lusk, a second-year criminology student, and Chelsea Morin, entering first-year studies in kinesiology, leave the Campus Bookstore with arms full of books after getting a head start on the semester Tuesday.

Jamie-Lee Newbury and Nicole Ducharme
Jamie-Lee Newbery and Nicole Ducharme, both fourth-year kinesiology majors, shop for a sweatshirt boasting of their academic affiliation, Tuesday in the Campus Bookstore. “I don’t know why I waited four years to buy one!” says Ducharme.

Hydration Station

Hydration station provides drinking water for welcome week

The student club UWindsor Green has arranged for a “water-on-wheels” station near Memorial Hall from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday. Its spigots provide free drinking water, but patrons must bring their own bottles to fill.

UWindsor Welcome Week continues today with orientation sessions for new students in every program, the Welcoming Celebration pep rally at 3 p.m. in the St. Denis Centre, and the Lancer Cup bed race on Sunset Avenue south of Wyandotte Street.

Classes start Thursday; orientation activities include the Adrenaline Rush inflatable carnival and the Lancers Got Talent competition. Find a full list of event descriptions, locations and times at