Windsor was just the third stop on a first Canadian tour for magician Norman Ng, and with the reaction he got, he is hoping to be back. Ng, a sleight-of-hand artist, wandered through the CAW Student Centre on Wednesday, entertaining lunchtime diners with card tricks and other illusions.
Marissa Younan, a biology and French major, said she was amazed as Ng placed a single ball in her hand and then revealed two as she unclenched her fist.
“I love magic and that was very cool,” she said.
Third-year chemistry student Melanie Tremblay was new convert to magic, watching as Ng passed an apparently solid rubber band through another stretched tight by her friend Sean Mustafa.
“Do I believe in magic? I do now!” she enthused.
Ng’s appearance was arranged by the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance and the Organization of Part-time University Students.