University Players is offering DailyNews readers a chance to win two tickets to see the family drama Dancing at Lughnasa. The play’s run continues through March 13 in the Jackman Dramatic Art Centre’s Hatch Studio Theatre.
Performances Wednesday through Saturday are at 8 p.m.; weekend matinees are at 2 p.m. Order tickets online at www.UniversityPlayers.com or by phoning 519-253-3000, ext. 2808.
To enter the contest, just send your answers to the following three trivia questions. The winner will be selected at random from all correct responses received by 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 2.
- When the University Players first performed Dancing at Lughnasa in 1998, which role was played by current director Marc Bondy?
a) Chris
b) Gerry
c) Jack
d) Michael
- In addition to Dancing at Lughnasa, which of Brian Friel’s plays are set around the town of Ballybeg?
a) Faith Healer
b) Living Quarters
c) Philadelphia, Here I Come
d) all of the above
- Dancing at Lughnasa is set in Ireland’s County Donegal in which 20th Century decade?
a) 1920s
b) 1930s
c) 1940s
d) 1950s
Contest is open to all readers of the DailyNews. Send an e-mail with your responses to uofwnews@uwindsor.ca. One entry per contestant, please.