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Session to offer information on careers in actuarial mathematics

Interested in understanding actuarial sciences? Representatives of the consulting firm Willis Towers Watson will discuss the profession in general, and their company in particular, in a free presentation Thursday, November 3.

Actuarial work involves mathematics related to risk, insurance, and pensions and the profession is rated among the top careers in North America in terms of job satisfaction, salary, and working conditions. Thursday’s presentation will be especially geared towards mathematics and statistics majors and secondary-level students, who will learn what courses will best prepare them to succeed in the actuarial exams.

Willis Towers Watson has 39,000 employees in more than 120 countries. At least 20 alumni of the UWindsor Math and Stat program work at its centre in Southfield, Michigan.

The Actuarial Mathematics Information Session will run 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Green Bean Café, 2320 Wyandotte Street West. For more information on actuarial study at the University of Windsor, contact professor Myron Hlynka at