Douglas Kneale, Laurette DubéProvost Douglas Kneale congratulates nursing student Laurette Dubé on her win in an earlier Question of the Month contest.

Provost seeking information on high-impact educational practices

Research undertaken by the developers of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) has identified that certain educational strategies, such as high-impact practices, help students to become deeply involved in their learning, while also fostering strong relationships with others on campus, says UWindsor provost Douglas Kneale.

He hopes to hear from students about their involvement in “high-impact” educational practices at UWindsor by asking them about it — and offering a prize for the best answser.

High-impact practices include:

  • Being part of a learning community or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together
  • Taking courses that include a community-based project (service learning)
  • Working with a faculty member on a research project
  • Internships, co-ops, field experiences, student teaching, or clinical placements
  • Studying abroad
  • Undertaking a culminating senior experience, such as capstone courses, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, portfolio, etc.

“We know from our 2014 NSSE survey that 78 per cent of responding fourth-year students took part in a high-impact practice on campus, which is a real testament to the hard work and commitment of students, faculty, and staff,” says Dr. Kneale.

With the next survey launch just around the corner, he is interested to learn more about students’ experiences with high-impact practices, and what they value about them. While NSSE is aimed at undergraduate students only, Kneale hopes to hear from students at all levels, from first-year to master’s and doctoral students.

So, this month’s question is:

How many of the above high-impact practices have you participated in while at the University of Windsor, and which have been the most engaging and rewarding? Why?

E-mail a response to by January 31 for a chance to win a fabulously warm and fashionable UWindsor hoodie.

“This month’s question,” Kneale says, “is a kind of warm-up event for NSSE. We want to encourage every single first-year and fourth-year student to complete the survey, and to make UWindsor’s stories count in 2017. The survey window will open in early February — watch for more information coming soon.”