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Sanam ZistiChemistry student Sanam Zisti eats a piece of pizza she got free during Vendor Fair, outside the student centre on Wednesday.

Fair introduces students to local and national businesses

Students ate free pizza, played games, and learned about products and services available to them through local and national businesses Wednesday during Vendor Fair, organized by the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance.

The annual event brings companies to campus to showcase their wares. Besides restaurants, participants included financial services and mobile phone providers, who handed out promotional gear and sales information.

Chemistry major Sanam Zisti said she enjoyed the fair.

“I love free pizza, as you can see, maybe a little too much,” she said as she finished off a slice at a table adjacent to the hubbub.

The event continues today — September 13, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Courtyard between Dillon and Memorial halls.