The School of Computer Science will host a free event for female students in grades 10, 11, and 12 interested in learning about the diversity of the field of computer science and programs offered at the University of Windsor.
In the Loop: Connecting Girls to a Future in Technology will offer high school girls the opportunity to interact with current computer science students, as well as hear from a panel of female professionals working in the field.
The event is organized by Natalie Jahn, a fourth-year student in computer science, alongside Ayesha Dewan and Aisha Badi, both in third-year computer science.
“It has been strange to me why many of my computer science classes had so few girls,” says Jahn. “So this event will serve to introduce high school-aged girls to the idea of computer science education and careers.”
Michelle Bondy, experiential learning specialist in the Faculty of Science, says attendees don’t need any technical expertise.
“This isn’t a coding event, and students do not need any programming experience to attend,” says Bondy. “There will also be an opportunity for the girls to connect with an upper-year female student mentor who they can email any questions they may have throughout the year.”
Jahn says she did not immediately start out in the School of Computer Science, and that she had no experience in the field prior to starting her university education.
“A program like In the Loop would have been so helpful for me when choosing what I would study,” says Jahn. “That's what I tried to be mindful of as we worked to plan this event. We want to show girls that there is a place for them in the ever-growing technology field.”
The free event will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 6:45 p.m. in room 123, Odette Building.
While the event is free, registration in advance is required. Visit uwindsor.ca/intheloop for more information, including how to register.
—Darko Milenkovic