In Canada’s centennial year, 13 civil engineering graduates from Ontario’s newest public university entered into an unsuspecting world to compete for internship positions against those who graduated from older, more prestigious institutions.
In 2017, six members of the class returned to campus to rekindle friendships and poke fun at their convincing old men disguises.
UWindsor adjunct professor Norm Becker (BASc 1967, PhD 1970) put pen to paper on behalf of his classmates to offer observations and suggestions to those following in their footsteps.
Our effectiveness as engineering practitioners depends upon our ability to research, develop and apply the newest scientific discoveries and technological advances wisely.
This wisdom cannot be learned in a classroom. It must be earned in the real world from those who understand the importance of teamwork and have learned how to navigate the mine field of regulations, codes and standards applicable to all engineering work. The engineer must understand how to balance the responsibilities imposed on every project with regard to its safety, performance, cost, and scheduling.
What we need to earn this wisdom is the decency to treat everyone in our workplace with courtesy and respect; the honesty to acknowledge that they possess unique knowledge and skills that we don’t; the humility to admit what we don’t know; and the maturity not to make promises we can’t keep.
Read Dr. Becker’s entire article, entitled “Lessons Learned,” featured in the 2018 issue of Windsor Engineering (WE).