The Organization of Part-time University Students (OPUS) invites nominations for its awards to recognize professors and staff members and celebrate the contributions of part-time students and the organization’s members.
All part-time undergrads, as well as UWindsor alumni, staff, and faculty members, are welcome to submit nominations for these awards:
- Distinguished Service Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Friend of Students Award
- Teacher of the Year Award
- Volunteer of the Year Award
- Faculty Award(s)
- Support Staff Award(s)
- Staff/Faculty Leadership Award
- Administrative Support Award
- Student Solidarity Award
- Disability Campus Community Recognition Award
- Appreciation Award
The nomination deadline is Monday, Feb. 4.
In addition, part-time students may apply for a variety of monetary awards and bursaries. Find more information on the OPUS awards and bursaries webpage, Student Awards and Financial Aid Office website, or by searching for awards on UWinsite Student.
The 27th annual awards banquet is set for Friday, March 22, and will celebrate the organization’s 50th anniversary.