A University of Windsor-led coding workshop aims to equip young women with one of the most in-demand skills across industries.
On Feb. 9, the University will host a free computer programming workshop on campus for female students in Grades 7 to 11. Participants will learn the basics of a computer programming language called Python.
The four-hour Go Code Girl workshop will be led by UWindsor faculty, staff, and students. Participants will learn how to design interactive web pages using HTML/CSS and create a personalized website, which can serve as a professional portfolio.
Sponsored by the Ontario Network for Women in Engineering, the province-wide event encourages young women to learn about the world of coding and software development and discover opportunities in computing and engineering fields. Go Code Girl aims to educate, inspire and equip girls with the digital skills, confidence and resources needed to pursue an education in engineering, technology and computing.
The event is hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Computer Science and takes place between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in room 2105, the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation.
Registration is available at https://events.onwie.ca. For more information, contact Shelly Scurr at 519-253-3000, ext. 2560, or winone@uwindsor.ca.