Producing a book of his work has allowed Windsor-based photojournalist Douglas MacLellan to reflect on his 35-year career, and gave a group of UWindsor students a unique educational experience.
Professor Marty Gervais’ practicum class in editing and publishing shepherded the book through the process that will see it released at a free public launch event Thursday. Published by Black Moss Press and entitled In the Face of It, the volume features images and stories by MacLellan.
“The students have done a really, really good job,” he says. “Collaboration has been something that I’ve been trying to work into my projects over the last 10 years or so. I see this as a project but also a continuation of work that I’m already doing.”
The collection ranges from Essex County vineyards and a protest march in Quebec City to an AIDS clinic in Zimbabwe and displaced persons camps in Uganda.
“Of all my Africa work what I like is the people,” says MacLellan. “We know all the stories of Africa, disease, famine, war, and my work doesn’t show any of that. It’s a whole new way to see.”
The students spent the entire school year editing the material, designing interiors and covers, and now marketing the final product. The book launch is set for 7 p.m. April 4 at the Fogolar Furlan Club, 1800 N. Service Rd. Find additional details on the Facebook event page.