The Ron W. Ianni Memorial Scholarship in Performance competition held each year by the School of Creative Arts has moved online this year. It will happen today — Friday, Jan. 8 — at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom.
The eight students performing for the scholarship were chosen based on their fall jury scores. Students recorded their performance of three compositions and submitted the videos. The competitors will select which video to enter in the scholarship competition.
The community is invited to sign on to watch the students’ performance videos on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 924 1018 5508
Passcode: 491757
Adjudicating will be professors Bruce Kotowich, Nicholas Papador, and Jennifer Swanson.
The order of videos will be:
- Jael Hernandez, soprano
- Madeline Doornaert, jazz/pop voice
- Jefferson Hills, piano
- Tomi Xhelili, clarinet
- Carter Gaus, trombone
- Stefanie Adams, violin
- Andrew Seguin, classical guitar
- Mitchell Leyte, jazz/pop bass
Last year, clarinetist Tomi Xhelili won the scholarship performing the “Allegro” movement from the Clarinet Concerto No. 2 by composer Carl Maria Von Weber before a live audience.
The $500 annual award is open only to full-time students enrolled in a music degree program. The annual competition is a showcase of the quality of UWindsor’s student musicians. This scholarship was established by Mina Grossman-Ianni and the School of Music in 2005 to honour the late president of the University of Windsor.
—Susan McKee