An effort to provide meals for Windsor students observing the Ramadan fast is approaching the halfway point of its fundraising target, says Yousef Aly Wahb, the university’s Muslim Chaplain.
Observant members of the religion fast from dawn to dusk during the Islamic holy month, which began April 2. Iftar is the meal which breaks the daily fast.
“The University of Windsor Muslim Students Association and Muslim Chaplaincy are offering free iftar for students in need of meals for every day of the month,” says Wahb. “The Student Iftar Program is made possible with collaboration from the Windsor Islamic Association as well as campus and community donations.”
Contributions to date have topped $20,000 of the estimated $50,000 cost of the fully-subscribed program. Among the campus offerings are $1,200 from the student centre — which covers a day of meals for about 120 students — and $200 from the Organization of Part-time University Students.
To learn more and make a donation, visit the program fundraising page: bit.ly/iftardonations.