Visiting scholar Xuexiu Chang and professor Hugh MacIsaac of the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research convened 24 of the world’s top scientists for a workshop addressing freshwater harmful algal blooms.
Held in Kunming, China, from July 6 to 11, the workshop represented collaboration among the University of Windsor, Kunming University, and Yunnan University. Researchers from 12 countries gathered to identify key knowledge gaps and research directions over the coming five years.
The University of Windsor was represented by Drs. Chang and MacIsaac along with GLIER director Mike McKay and adjunct faculty members George Bullerjahn, Steven Wilhelm, and Lewis Sitoki.
As part of the event, participants visited the International Joint Innovation Team for Yunnan Plateau Lakes and Laurentian Great Lakes funded by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education. Other tours included an algae harvesting facility and a wetland restoration project on the shores of Lake Dianchi.
Dr. Chang reports that workshop participants narrowed a list of nominated knowledge gaps to prioritize four research themes that will form the basis of an article to help guide funding agencies as countries around the world continue to deal with this global concern.