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Computer Science

computer chipSchool of Computer Science Demo Day runs 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, April 2, in the CAW Student Centre Commons.

Demo day to showcase projects by computer science students

School of Computer Science Demo Day runs 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, April 2, in the CAW Student Centre Commons.

Sherif SaadComputer science professor Sherif Saad has helped to design a computer algorithm that identify fake news stories.

Researcher exposing fake news with computer coding

Computer science professor Sherif Saad has helped to design a computer algorithm that identify fake news stories.

students dusting for fingerprintsA collaboration with computer science will allow forensics students to acquire skiils in information technology.

Stream of study to open forensic sciences to IT

The Forensic Sciences program is starting a new stream of Information Technology for students completing their honours degrees.

A team from Leamington District Secondary School works on code during the Regional Secondary School Computer Programming Competition, December 1 at the University of Windsor.A team from Leamington District Secondary School works on code during the Regional Secondary School Computer Programming Competition, December 1 at the University of Windsor.

Teen coders compete on campus

The School of Computer Science hosted the 14th Annual Regional Secondary School Computer Programming Competition on December 1.

Mehdi KargarComputer science professor Mehdi Kargar has received a $20,000 NSERC grant toward his work to simplify search through massive datasets.

Researcher working to simplify search of structured data

Computer science professor Mehdi Kargar has received a $20,000 NSERC grant toward his work to simplify search through massive datasets.