Camille Armour was glowing as she crossed the finish line of the Detroit International Half Marathon last fall. Armour credits Lancer Recreation’s personal training at the Toldo Lancer Centre with putting her on a path to better health and wellness. UWindsor employee touts benefits of personal training at the Toldo Lancer Centre Apr 9th, 2024 Personal training through Lancer Recreation helped Camille Armour get into shape to run a half-marathon.Tags: Camille ArmourMike McMahonIsabella AnésLancer Recreation
Isabella Anes, Teighan Stoukas, and Queenie Ndome of the Lancer women’s basketball team entice campus alumni with a $1 ticket to Sunday’s games. One dollar alumni admission a draw for basketball fans Jan 30th, 2024 Alumni can catch Lancer varsity basketball action Sunday for just $1.Tags: Chantal ValleeUniversity of Windsor Alumni AssociationIsabella AnésTeighan StoukasQueenie Ndome
Venezuela native Isabella Anés, a marvel athletically and academically, will be joining the Lancer family in the fall. (Photo by Julia Bellini.) Basketball recruit sees bright future at UWindsor Jan 21st, 2021 Venezuela native Isabella Anés is one of five recruits joining the Lancer women’s basketball team in the fall. Tags: Isabella AnésChantal Vallee