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Jennifer Seedu

Gurus lead new students through transition to university

Almost 200 advice gurus assisted more than 200 first-year students with their transition to university through the Educational Development Centre’s Connecting4Success mentorship program this year.

The program targets first generation students—the first in their families to attend university—and matches them with upper-year students in the same program or faculty. Throughout their first year, students meet one-on-one with their advice gurus and attend monthly meetings that focus on common first-year academic, social and personal challenges.

Humanities Week an invitation to look forward and back

A series of discussions are scheduled for Humanities Week, presented by the Humanities Research Group, September 12 to 16.

Philosophy professor Jeff Noonan will host a Philosophers’ Café on Monday, September 12, at 7:30 p.m. at Phog Lounge, 157 University Avenue West, on the topic “What Would be Lost if We Lost Philosophy?”