Jan 30th, 2020
The “Your Degree. Your Direction.” campaign offers students a peek into the work lives of alumni with evolving, interesting, and fulfilling careers.
The “Your Degree. Your Direction.” campaign offers students a peek into the work lives of alumni with evolving, interesting, and fulfilling careers.
The University of Windsor Alumni Association will confer its Odyssey Award on four graduates in the early years of their careers Thursday.
Dragon boat racing started as a therapeutic sport for breast cancer patients, but it has evolved into so much more, says Maureen Hayden-Wing.
A member of A Breast or Knot, a dragon boat team of paddlers who have or had breast cancer, she says the fellowship and activity was a great tonic to her.
“When I got breast cancer, I had never been sick before,” she says. “I found I was much better off getting my mind off it.”