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Civil Engineering Graduate Courses
NOTE: Courses may be subject to change. Please check back often. Check your UWinsite for class time/date information.
Course Code / Title
Course Description
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8020
Building Information Modeling
Course Description:
Course Code/Title:
FRP Reinforced Concrete Structure
Course Description:
Advanced composite materials - constituents and products; structural applications, reinforced concrete members, prestressed concrete members, applications with chopped fibres, repair and rehabilitation; innovative applications.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8350
Wood Design
Course Description:
Introduction to structural wood design based on CSA O86 Engineering Design in Wood. Topics include: wood as an engineering material; sawn lumber; structural panels; connections; lateral-load resisting systems; glulam; and cross laminated timber.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-2
Project Planning and Control
Course Description:
Practical and theoretical applications to aid project planning and control in engineering projects. Advanced project management practices (e.g., earned value analysis, financial risk management), decision-making methods (multiattribute decision-making methods, decision trees, optimization), and modeling techniques (Monte Carlo simulation, machine learning). Interpret and provide feedback on project planning and control techniques.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-6
Special Topics: Climate Change Adaptation
Course Description:
Course explores foundational concepts of climate change; global scale, regional scale, and local scale changes; different climate models and the data produced by them; how to determine the time series of climate data for a watershed or a design precipitation for a specific site; hydrological modeling and assessing the impacts on water resources and urban water systems. Once exposed to these tools, the students will explore adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts, such as low impact development strategies and other planning/design alternatives. The course will be concluded with an introduction to how the strategies could be applied in the context of a watershed.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-16
Special Topics: Bridge Engineering
Course Description:
Limit state design principles; structural forces within bridge structures; design requirements for prestressed members; relation between code requirements and practical design; CSA requirements for design; code requirements for design and assessment of bridge elements; detailed analysis and design of bridge systems; role of structural engineers and professional ethics responsibility.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-21
GIS Data Modeling
Course Description:
Course examines advanced topics such as analysis and model spatial datasets with emphasis on transportation related problems. Key topics covered include: spatial data management, data representation and integration; data automation & model building; multi-criteria evaluation; site suitability; least-cost path analysis; network analysis; location-allocation problems; spatial statistics methods to explore and model spatial datasets (namely point events, continuous and area data); machine learning and big data analysis. The course follows a problem-solving based approach to study real world data in a GIS environment using contemporary GIS software (e.g., ArcGIS10.x).
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-33
Special Topics: Advanced Masonry Design
Course Description:
Elements in masonry structures; experimental approach to testing masonry prisms, beams and walls; concept of Ultimate Limit State (ULS); masonry beam and masonry wall design (unreinforced and reinforced); load stress in different elements of masonry beams and walls; stability in masonry beams and walls; concept of general safety factor; computer software and design of masonry structural elements; basics of fine element modeling; ethical and professional responsibilities of a structural engineer.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-39
Foundation Engineering
Course Description:
Footings and eccentrically loaded foundations. Raft and pile foundations, piles and pile driving, cofferdams and caissons. Soil-structure interaction. Computer-aided analysis /design of foundations. (also offered as CIVL 4910-1)
Course Code/Title:
Special Topics: Design Str. Using Cdn Codes & Modern Tools
Course Description:
This course covers the design of concrete and steel structures using modern software tools (STAAD Pro). It builds knowledge on of analysis of various structures such as buildings and bridges. Students will gain proficiency in structural conceptualization and induced load determination, modeling and analysis. The course will cover also graphical communication. Approximate method of analyzing frames will be included to interpret and verify the output from computer-based structural analysis software. Students must have a Windows 10 computer with at least 2 GB RAM, 1 GB available hard drive space and dependable internet connection.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-47
Special Topics: Design, Deterioration & Repair of Concrete
Course Description:
Design of concrete; normal concrete, high and ultra-high-performance concrete, self-compacting concrete, fibre reinforced cementitious composites, sprayable, and overlay cement-based composites, textile fibre reinforced composites. Curing methods, long term performance, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of concrete materials. Relevant concrete materials specifications. Types/causes of concrete deterioration; errors during construction, scaling and disintegration, freeze-thaw, corrosion of embedded steel, cracking, shrinkage, chemical attack, alkali-silica reaction, spalling, erosion, effloresces, exposure to fire, experimental and non-destructive testing. Repair of concrete; repair materials, repair techniques, challenges with conventional repair techniques, patch repair and materials compatibility with existing concrete, horizontal, vertical, and overhead repairs.
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-48
Special Topics: Intelligent Transportation Systems
Course Description:
This course will expose you to a range of modeling techniques used to represent the flow of vehicles. The course starts with macroscopic models which approximate vehicles as a continuous fluid; this is a major simplification but yields an elegant theory which has proven useful in practice. More detailed representations of vehicle flow, with brief coverage of vehicle dynamics and driver behavior will be covered. It will explore cellular automata and carfollowing models which treat vehicles as discrete entities. Then, the course moves toward to the basic concepts of transportation network analysis, as well as explore some applications. Basically, any problem which requires a “big-picture” view of what routes people will take relies on a network model. Finally, it will connect the traditional traffic and network models and Connected and Autonomous vehicles (CAVs) technologies to understand the future transportation systems
Course Code/Title:
CIVL 8900-59
Special Topics: Modular Construction, Design, and Technology
Course Description:
Introduction to modular construction; Types of modular building, Steel, timber, concrete; Planning of modular buildings; Hybrid modular construction systems; Structural design of steel and light steel modules; Structural design of concrete modules; Structural design of timber-framed modules; Cladding, roofing, and balconies in modular construction; Constructional issues in modular systems; Factory production of modules; Service interfaces in modular construction.