Group News

September 2024

July 2024

  • Dr. Ahamed provided invited presentation at IEEE Biosensors 2024 conference held at historic Hinxton Hall Genome Campus Cambridge, UK

May 2024

  • Our research group is presenting at CSME/CFD24 conference held at University of Toronto

March 2024

  • Dr. Ahamed visiting University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) for a collaborative grant work 

December 2023

  • Dr. Ahamed's received 3 award recognitions for significant grants and patents in this year's Excellence in Research Celebration

November 2023

  • PhD student Gnanesh Nagesh published a paper on capacitive sensing in IEEE Sensors Journal, check it out

  • Posdoc Dr. Rahbar published a paper on MEMS ring resonator modeling Physica Scripta Journal, check it out

October 2023

August 2023

June 2023

April 2023

April 2023

  • Postdoc Dr. Das publishes paper in IEEE Sensors Journal on wearable breathing sensor. check it out 

Jan 2023

  • Dr Ahamed's research got NSERC Quantum Alliance Catalyst Grant on quantum based sensor development 

Sept 2022

  • Dr Ahamed's teaching highlighted by Dailynews

May 2022

  • Our lab's inertial sensor research highlighted by Dailynews

April 2021

  • Dr Ahamed received NSERC Alliance Missions grant for inertial timing device research

December 2021

  • Dr Ahamed received 2021 Medal of Excellence Award in Teaching

November 2021

  • Dr Ahamed was interviewed by AM800 radio and highlighted on their website

October 2021

  • Our group's micro sensor work received NSERC I2I funding and was featured by Dailynews, check it out

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

  • Dr. Ahamed received UWindsor outstanding faculty research award in Emerging Researchers and Scholars Catagory

March 2021

  • Graduate student Tianyi's paper on inertial sensor based stand-alone navigation just got published in IEEE Sensors Journal, check it out 

March 2021

  • Postdoc Dr Rajai's paper just got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices journal, check it out 

August 2020

  • Our lab on a chip research was featured by Windsor Star Newspaper, check it out 

June 2020

  • Dr. Ahamed was featured by the University of Windsor Dailynews, check it out

May 2020

  • Julia's work with self-healing sensors is featured by the University of Windsor Daily news, check it out

February 2020

  • Congratulations to Anurag, Dr. Salahuddin, and Hualong for journal paper acceptance

January 2020

December 2019

  • Our group's work was featured in the University of Windsor Dailynews, nice article to read

  • Dr. Rajai's journal paper was just published in IEEE Sensors Journal, great work on Bat inspired navigation, check it out

  • Check out our latest journal publication on tiny flapping butterfly wings published by graduate student Nabeel 

November 2019

  • Congratulations to graduate student Nabeel for journal paper acceptance on MEMS gyroscope development

October 2019

  • Graduate student Matthew just published a journal paper on inertial sensor based standalone indoor navigation in Sensors and Actuators, click here to check it out

September 2019

  • Congratulations to Matthew Straeten for successfully defending Masters thesis

  • Congratulations to Julia and Matt for Soft Matter journal paper publication on self-healable flexible sensors, check it out

  • Congratulations to Dr. Rajai and Matt for IEEE Sensors journal paper acceptance

August 2019

  • Dr. Ahamed is serving again as an organizer (Technical Program Committee) for the upcoming IEEE Inertial 2020 conference 

August 2019

  • Postdoc Dr. Rajai published a journal paper on semiconductor physics, doping and MEMS sensor temperature stability, congratulations to all co-others. check the paper out

July 2019

  • Congratulations to Dr. Wisam for securing a position at ChipCare Microfluidics

June 2019

  • Congratulations to Dr. Rajai, Matt and Hasnet for the journal paper acceptance

  • Anurag Agarwal from IIT Kharagpur, India, is visiting our lab as a research scholar under Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute fellowship

June 2019

  • Two students from our lab Matthew and Tara are presenting their papers at CSME 2019 conference

May 2019

  • Graduate student Matt published MEMS sensor emerging application work in Sensors and Actuators A journal, check it out

April 2019

  • Graduate student Nabeel and Dr. Ahamed are presenting research on IMU based navigation, sensor fusion and sensor temperature stability at IEEE Inertial 2019 Conference at Naples, FL, USA

  • Dr. Ahamed co-chairing a session at IEEE Inertial 2019 Conference as a member of the organizing technical program committee

March, 2019

February, 2019

  • Tara and Shamoon submitted two conference papers on MEMS sensor development and MEMS gyro noise modeling and reduction

December, 2018

  • Dr. Ahamed appeared on CBC TV news, check it out

  • Dr. Payman Rajai's paper on Nonlinearities and Doping of MEMS resonators got accepted for IEEE Inertial 2019 conference presentation and proceedings. Congrats Payman.

  • Matthew submitted a journal paper on MEMS IMU applications

  • Dr Wisam submitted a journal paper on tape-based microfluidics

December, 2018

  • Julia's paper got published in Sensors and Actuators A Journal, Check it out.

  • Patent filed based on Julia's sensor works  

November, 2018

October, 2018

  • Dr. Ahamed's collaborative MEMS research with Micralyne Inc just got funded from NSERC

August, 2018

  • Dr. Ahamed is serving as an organizer (Technical Program Committee) for the upcoming IEEE Inertial 2019 conference 

  • Julia is presenting her research at IEEE flexible electronics conference IFETC2018

July, 2018

  • Congratulations to Imrul for winning OGS scholarship. 

June, 2018

  • Dr. Ahamed, Dr. Rajai and Imran visit industry partners in Edmonton, Alberta

May, 2018

April, 2018

  • Congratulations to our lab member Josh for winning NSERC CGSM prestigious graduate scholarship.

  • Congratulations to our graduate student Imrul for winning Elena Loaring Memorial Award 

March, 2018

March, 2018

  • Two papers on MEMS Resonator modeling and Acoustic sensor modeling got accepted in CSME2018 conference

February, 2018

  • Our paper on "Temperature compensation of doped silicon MEMS resonator" got accepted at IEEE Inertial 2018 conference.

January, 2018

  • Congratulations to Nicky for successfully defending MASc thesis. Well Done.

December, 2017

October, 2017

 August, 2017

  • Dr Ahamed's collaborative project with an industrial partner to develop high-sensitive MEMS resonant gyroscope received funding from NSERC Engage program.

April, 2017

  • Josh win's two prizes at UWill Discovery 2017 conference!! 

  • Josh presents at IEEE Inertial 2017 conference in Hawaii

  • Julia and Josh present at UWill Discovery 2017 conference

  • Watch Josh's research summary here

  • Watch Julia's talk here

March, 2017

  • Congrats to Josh for receiving IEEE Inertial 2017 Conference Travel Grant

  • Group research highlighted in Engineering Newsletter, check it out

February, 2017

December, 2016

  • Josh's paper on IMU based standalone navigation just got accepted at IEEE Inertial 2017 conference. 

November, 2016

  • Nicky and Austin gave oral presentations on their research at ASME IMECE16 conference in Phoenix, Arizona

  • We just made news on Windsor Star for our Programmable Lab-on-a-chip work

  • Dr. Ahamed and Austin gave an interview with Blackburns Radio.

  • Our group's research achievement just made news on

October, 2016

  • Our group's research achievement was highlighted by University Dailynews. 

  • Big congrats to Austin for his research achievement and making news on programmable micromixing

October, 2016

  • Dr. Ahamed is visiting SIEMENS, Berlin, Germany for a training.

October, 2016

  • Joshua Jaekel published a research article on IMU based Personalized Navigation.

October, 2016

  • Dr Ahamed's collaborative project with an industrial partner to develop a numerical modeling technique for 3D MEMS just got funding from NSERC Engage program.

July, 2016

  • Austin's paper on Hybrid Micromixer has been selected as a finalist in the prestigious ASME Young Engineers Paper Contest award, big congratulations to Austin and the group. Austin will travel to Phoenix, Arizona, USA to present his work. ASME IMECE awarded him with complimentary conference registration fees and $750 in travel expenses.

June, 2016

  • Dr. Ahamed's research in ultra-low damping MEMS resonators got MNT fabrication assistance funding from CMC.

April, 2016

  • Dr. Ahamed's research in programmable micro/nanofluidics received NSERC Discovery Grants funding for 2016-2021.

March, 2016

  • Dr. Ahamed's article on high-throughput DNA nano-templating just published in ACS Macromolecules Journal

March, 2016

  • Nicky's paper on MEMS 3D resonator modeling got accepted as oral presentation in ASME IMECE 2016.

  • Austin's paper on Hybrid Micromixer got accepted as oral presentation in ASME IMECE 2016.

February, 2016

  • Congratulations to one of our group members Joshua Jaekel, for winning of NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) (Fall 2016), awarded for his research under Dr. Ahamed. Joshua's research project involves developing Standalone Inertial Navigation Systems for Personal Use..

Labsocial 2023- Beginning of summer celebration

Group social

Group social (celebrating the end of a successful summer semester 2017)