FAHSS Course Outline Policies & Procedures
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (FAHSS) Grading Policy is in keeping with the regulations in Bylaw 51 and the adoption of Outcome Based Education in the Province of Ontario. The purpose of the FAHSS Grading Policy is to:
- Make grading practices transparent to students;
- Ensure that grading practices in the Faculty are consistent across the Faculty;
- Ensure that students are graded fairly and in keeping with the academic standards of the University.
The attached file contains the complete information regarding Course Outlines Policies and Procedures (PDF format) including:
- Grading;
- Missing or cancelling lectures/class/lab;
- Cancellation of classes due to University closure due to weather or emergency conditions;
- Academic misconduct and examination make-up policies;
- Exam make-up/late submission/aegrotat/incomplete policy;
- Additional notes;
- University of Windsor policy on the use of Digital Learning Resources for instructional and assessment purposes.