Students on lawn outside Dillon Hall

Ways to Give

Thousands of alumni, parents and friends support the University of Windsor each year. These gifts, of all sizes, provide the funding necessary to support student scholarships; purchase cutting-edge equipment for creative work, research and hands-on student learning; and support student groups and programming, resulting in a vibrant campus and memorable student experience.

  • Make a gift online today    Donating made easy.  Point your smartphone at this QR Code to donate to FAHSS on the University of Windsor's secure website.
  • Make an annual gift
  • Consider a planned gift
  • Establish an endowment or scholarship
  • Make a gift of securities
  • Make a gift-in-kind
  • Donating made easy.  Point your smartphone at this QR Code to donate to FAHSS on the University of Windsor's secure website. 

We are happy to customize a giving option that is reflective of your company’s corporate social responsibility program or your personal giving interest. For more information, please contact:

Camille L. Armour Ross, MBA (She/Her)
Senior Development Officer,
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 
401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
519-253-3000 ext. 2093 

Charitable Registration Number: 10816 2611 RR0001