Stream Crossing at Humbug Marsh Unit - Site #43

Trenton, Michigan


Project Goals and Objectives: Build a stream crossing to connect the Refuge Gateway with Humbug Marsh Unit, including the use of vegetated “green” gabion baskets as wing walls to ensure stability and enhance stream bank habitat

Project Description: Project partners installed a four meter aluminum box culvert that included 4 X 3 meter wing walls and planted seedlings of red osier dogwood and black willow to further increase stability and enhance habitat. The crossing’s railing structures were made from an emerald ash borer-affected ash tree from Detroit. Larval Galleries from the Emerald ash borer were left exposed on the handrails to serve as additional educational experience for visitors.

Cost: $30,000

Timeframe: 2008

Partners: Navy Seabees, Mid-American Group, NTH Consultants, Logs to Lumber and Beyond, and DTE Energy

Ecological Effectiveness: No Post-project monitoring of ecological effectiveness to date

Restoration Contact: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service