Finding the books you need
You can search our collection of print and ebooks using OMNI, the library catalogue that we share with the Leddy Library.
You can browse our Course Reserve Collection as well.
- If you are having difficulty finding the works you need, please email or leave a message for assistance.
- If we don't have the work that you are looking for, please email to request to borrow that book from another library
- To renew or return a book please email
- To recommend a work for purchase, please reach out to lthe library via
Our Print Collections
Our Indigenous Law, Reference, New Arrivials and Course Reserve Collections can be found on the main floor of the library.
On our second floor you can find the majority of our collection of print legal books. Our collection is organized using the KF Modified Subject Classificaiton System.
Our Ebook Collections
To search all of our ebook collections, it is best to search OMNI, the library catalogue that we share with the Leddy Library.
We do subscribe a number of specialized legal ebook collections:
- Canadian legal texts from Thomson Reuters (Westlaw/Carswell) on Proview
- Legal Classics contains thousands of historical works
- vLex contains over 100 ebooks from Irwin Law
- Elgar Publishing provides access to over 200 ebooks for Law
- Proquest Ebooks is a platform for over 300 ebooks for Law
- Criminal Source contains works such as McWilliam’s Canadian Criminal Evidence.
Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 - MW