HeinOnline Author Profiles show a list of your articles that are available on HeinOnline. As well, you can add profile information to inform users about you and your scholarship. Your profile also provides a range of rankings that inform readers about how often your articles are acccessed and cited. ScholarCheck provides a quick and easy way for readers to see which of your articles are most cited, and most accessed. The basic author profile is automatic, and is simply created by HeinOnline to pull your articles together.
To enhance your profile, there are three different ways to start the simple process:
Profile Submission Page
- Visit the author profile setup page directly
- Fill in all the relevant fields, and submit the form
Via an Article
- Do a search for an article that you have authored that you know can be found on HeinOnline
- When viewing the article in the results list, click on the link to your name to view your profile
- Click Submit Author Profile next to your name to enter your bio, website and social media channels
- On your profile page, you will see impact factor analytics, as well as a list of the articles that you have published that are available on HeinOnline
Let Us Help
- Don't have time to update your bio? Send your request to lawlibrarian@uwindsor.ca.
- We can do this so long as your public webpage on the U Windsor website is current, or if you email your bio to us