Heritage Auditorium

Voice Master Class with Tracy Dahl

Sunday, April 2, 1:00 pm

Master Class with Canada's premiere colaratura soprano Tracy Dahl!

Canadian soprano Tracy DahlHeritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.
The public is welcome to audit this free master class.


Tracy Dahl, soprano


Violin Sonatas of Three Centuries

Image of a piano's keyboard inside a violinViolin Sonatas of Three Centuries

Violin Sonatas of Three Centuries

Michael Adamson, violin

Philip Adamson, piano

Friday, March 3, 7:30 pm

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.

Tickets: Adults $20; Students (with ID) $5

Tickets available at the door this evening. Cash purchases only at the door please.



Sing! A Choral Celebration

Image of the sun with colourful raysAwaiting spring and the sun's warming rays

Sunday, March 12, 2:30 pm

Sing!  A Choral Celebration

UWindsor Chamber Choir and University Singers,
    Dr. Bruce J. G. Kotowich, director

Accompanist: Alde Calongcagong, piano
Deborah Wunder - violin 1
Dawn Hrycak Popovic - violin 2

Pianist Douglas Finch - Fantastical Borrowings

Saturday, March 11, 7:30 pm

Douglas Finch, piano    Fantastical Borrowings

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 University Ave.

Tickets: Adults $20; Students (with ID) $5

Tickets available at the door. Cash purchases only at the door please.


Butler Studio Concerto Gala

Pianist Dr. E. Gregory Butler at his grand pianoDr. E. Gregory Butler, professor emeritus, piano pedagogy and literature

Sunday, March 26, 7:30 pm

Piano Concerto Gala

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.

Tickets: Adults  $20; Students $10

All proceeds will be donated to SoCA – Music scholarships.

Tickets will be available for purchase at the door, cash only.


So in Love

Sunday, February 12, 2:30 pm

So in Love

Lesley Andrew, soprano

Alde Calongcagong, piano


Tickets:  $20; Students (with ID) $5

Tickets available at the door. Cash purchases only at the door please.


La vie en rose (Piaf, 1915-1963/Louiguy, 1916-1991)
Reve D’amour (Faure, 1845-1924)
Le Charme (Chausson, 1855-1899)

Ianni Scholarship Music Competition

Music students who competed in the 2016 Ianni Scholarship CompetitionMusic students who competed in the 2016 Ianni Scholarship Competition

Sunday, January 15, 2:30 pm

Ianni Scholarship Competition

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.

This special concert features solo performances by top student musicians competing for the Ron W. Ianni Memorial Scholarship in Music Performance.
The original Canadian Idol!  Scroll down to learn about this year's competitors and their repertoire for this recital.


Adults/Seniors $15 ; Students (with ID) $5. Tickets are available for cash purchase at the door.


Festival of Christmas - Sunday

Dr. Bruce Kotowich conducting the UWindsor Chamber ChoirDr. Bruce Kotowich conducting the UWindsor Chamber Choir

Sunday, December 11, 2:30 pm

Festival of Christmas

UWindsor Chamber Choir

University Singers

Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.

Festival of Christmas - Saturday

Dr. Bruce Kotowich conducting the UWindsor Chamber ChoirDr. Bruce Kotowich conducting the UWindsor Chamber Choir

Festival of Christmas

UWindsor Chamber Choir

University Singers

Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director

Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.