In accordance with the University of Windsor's Instiutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), the Final Assessment Report (FAR) provides a synthesis of Reviewers' Report, AAU Response and the Dean's Response of the programs reviewed. This report identifies the significant strengths of the program, together with opportunities for program improvement and enhancement, and it sets out and prioritizes the recommendations that have been selected for implementation. The FAR includes an Executive Summary and the development of an Implementation Plan that will guide the continuous improvement of the program. The University Secretariat, which convenes a meeting of the UPR sub-committee of PDC, will continue the cyclical review process towards institutional approval. The UPR sub-committee produces draft reports which include an Executive Summary, and an Implementation Plan. The final reports including implementation plans are reviewed and approved by the Program Development Committee and then submitted to Senate for information.
The Implementation Plan is based on the recommendations made by external reviewers, and the suggestions made by Windsor’s UPR sub-committee. The Final Assessment Report, Executive Summary and Implementation Plan are then submitted to the Ontario University’s Council on Quality Assurance.
In the years following their cyclical review, AAUs submit a University Program Review (UPR) which provides updates on the implementation of recommendations prioritized in the Final Assessment Report. Ideally, the AAU would develop 3 UPR Reports in the time period following their cyclical review until their next scheduled cyclical review (completion of UPR Reports every 2 years).
In accordance with Windsor’s IQAP Framework, the Executive Summary is posted on this website. Follow up reports on implementation plans and other reporting requirements will also be posted.