The Cyclical Program Review is an 18-20 month process from initiation to the submission of the Final Assessment Report, Executive Summary, and Implementation Plan to Senate and the Ontario Universities’ Council on Quality Assurance.
The major steps and milestones in the review process are outlined below. The Quality Assurance Office provides ongoing support to units throughout the review, including provision of data tables for the self-study, feedback on drafts of the self study document and support in the way of workshops for assistance in completing the self-study document.
This section is about the milestones and deadlines for cyclical review cycles. In order to ensure timely completion of the cyclical program review we endeavour to observe published deadlines. This process is a linear process (i.e. no step in the process shall proceed until the step above has been completed).
The Quality Assurance Office initiates the cyclical program review process by contacting the designated AAUs approximately 10-12 months before the intended site visit to schedule an orientation meeting (typically February-March). The AAU Head assembles a review team (e.g. undergrad/graduate program director, faculty members, administrative staff, etc.) and may appoint a program representative to oversee the review and act as the main liaison with the Quality Assurance Office. The Quality Assurance staff will meet with the AAU review team to provide guidance about required documentation and set internal submission deadlines, and will also attend an AAU Council meeting to provide a brief overview of the process for all faculty members in the AAU.
At the University of Windsor, the fundamental purposes of the academic cyclical program review process are to help:
- Each program to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards of academic excellence, through systematically reflecting on its strengths and weaknesses, and looking forward to identifying ongoing and continuous improvements to programs;
- Assess the quality of the program relative to counterpart programs in Ontario, Canada and internationally, and
- Meet public accountability expectations through a credible, transparent, and action-oriented review process.
A key element of the cyclical program review is the development of the Self Study. The Self Study is part of the External Review Team’s evaluation when making their recommendations. A Review Team will use the Self-Study to determine:
- Are the program objectives consistent with the institution's mission and academic plans as set out in the Strategic Plan?
- Are the program level learning outcomes clearly spelled out, and are they aligned with the Degree Level Expectations?
- Do the teaching and learning activities, methods of assessment, modes of delivery, and program requirements support attainment of the program level learning outcomes?
- Is the quality and distribution of the faculty’s expertise adequate to support the learning outcomes of the program(s)?
- Does the program(s) foster an enriching student learning experience?
- Does the program(s) use existing resources (physical, financial, human) appropriately and effectively?
- Does the program have plans in place for monitoring student success?
Units develop the Self-Study by completing the Self-Study Template, which can be obtained by contacting The following Guidance Documents will also inform the development and completion of the Self-Study:
Cyclical Program Resource Documents
CV Development Documents
- Instructions for Faculty CVs for CPR
- Template for non-eCV users (eg. Sessionals)
- Instructions for Creating Collated CV PDF
Survey Development
External Review
The Department Head, in consultation with its faculty members, forwards external reviewer candidates to the Office of Quality Assurance. The Office of Quality Assurance will invite the nominated external reviewers from this list provided. Those that accept the invitation will be ranked by the AVPA and two will chosen to be on the review team. In addition, the AVPA will invite one internal facilitator from another University of Windsor program to be part of the review team. The review team is provided with a copy of the self-study and the faculty CVs, appendices and other University of Windsor appropriate documentation (e.g. Strategic Plan) as well as a template for the Reviewers' Report at least one month to six weeks prior to the Site Visit.
Instructions for Choosing External Reviewers
Template for Suggested External Reviewers
Information for Internal Facilitators
Information and Guidance for External Reviewers
Site Visit
The Office of Quality Assurance coordinates a 2-day Site Visit and the review team submits the Reviewers’ Report within 6 weeks after the site visit, focusing on specific program quality criteria, and identifying recommendations towards continuous improvement.
Both the AAU Head or designate and the relevant Faculty Dean will respond to the Reviewer’s Report and recommendations:
The review committee report is first forwarded to the AAU Head (or designate) for a written response. The AAU Council will review and approve the response document. This report is sent to the Quality Assurance Office and it will then be forwarded to the relevant Faculty Dean, who then prepares a written response to the self-study, review report and response. The Dean’s response includes commentary regarding the plans and recommendations proposed in the self-study, the recommendations advanced by the review committee, and the program’s response to the review committee report. It also describes changes in organization, policy or governance that would be required to meet those recommendations, the resources that would have to be provided in supporting the implementation of selected recommendations, and a proposed timeline for the implementation of any of those recommendations. It is expected that the Dean’s Response is submitted to the Quality Assurance Office within 2 weeks it in order to move the cyclical review in a timely fashion through the next stages of the process.
Following review (and approval as required by areas) by the AAU Council and Faculty Council, all documentation (including the self-study, reviewers’ report, and responses by the AAU Head and the Dean) are forwarded to the University Secretariat, which convenes a meeting of the UPR sub-committee of PDC. The UPR sub-committee produces draft reports which include an executive summary, and an implementation plan. The final reports including implementation plans are reviewed and approved by the Program Development Committee and then submitted to Senate for information.
The executive summary, final assessment report, and implementation plan are posted on the Senate website and forwarded to the Quality Council.
A biennial report is to be completed every 2 years following the Cyclical Program Review. A request to complete this report will be made to you by the Senate Secretariat.