NSERC/SSHRC General Research Fund

NSERC/SSHRC General Research Fund

NSERC & SSHRC General Research Fund 

Under certain circumstances, NSERC and SSHRC will transfer residual funds from expired grants to the University of Windsor’s General Research Fund (GRF), subsequent to the terminal year (i.e. one-year extension) that is granted to award holders. In accordance with Tri-Council regulations, the university may use these funds for the “broad purpose of enhancing the quality of research in the natural sciences and engineering, or in the social sciences and humanities”. Primary NSERC and SSHRC grant holders, whose grants have expired with funds remaining, may formally apply to the institutional GRF, which is administered by the Office of Research and Innovation Services, in order to complete the research project originally funded.


Grants will be available generally for one year. Any funds remaining at the end of the grant period will be automatically returned to the university for redistribution. 


To be considered, applicants must have held an NSERC or SSHRC grant that expired with funds remaining. Applications to the institutional GRF must be received by the Office of Research and Innovation Services within two years of the original grant expiry date, (i.e. end-date prior to any extensions granted by the agency). Applicants must be eligible to hold a research account at the University of Windsor (i.e. must hold a tenure track, tenured, emeritus, adjunct status) and maintain an active academic appointment at the University for the duration of the General Research Fund grant period. 

Application Process

Complete the 1) General Research Fund application form and submit it, along with a completed 2) ORIS Information Sheet and Checklist form, available at http://www.uwindsor.ca/oris, to the Research Facilitator (see below) in the Office of Research and Innovation Services.   


Applicants may request funds of up to the total balance in their NSERC or SSHRC grant account. Please note that awards may be reduced, depending upon the availability of funds in the institutional GRF account. A GRF award will be treated as a new grant as funds will be deposited into a new research account for the applicant.  Funds must be spent in accordance with the policies set by the      Tri-Council Financial Administration Guide (http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/FinancialAdminGuide-guideAdminFinancier/FundsUseUtilisationSubventions_eng.asp).  


Applicants whose research activity will involve the use of animals, biohazard materials or human subjects must retain active certifications for the duration of the General Research Fund grant period. Failure to do so will result in a hold placed on the research account.  


Requests will be reviewed by the Vice-President, Research and Innovation and/ or the Executive Director,  Research and Innovation. All decisions are final. 

Questions and applications may be directed to Research Facilitator/Executive Assistant Email: oris@uwindsor.ca  

General Research Fund (GRF) Application Form (Fillable pdf)

Deadline: Within two years of original grant expiry
Submit to: ORIS via email