WURA Executive & Committees


President:    Ms. Gwendolyn Ebbett  
Vice-President:    Dr. Bruce Elman 
Secretary:    Dr. Walter (Jake) Soderlund  
Treasurer:    Dr. Norman King  
Past President:   Mr. Roger Lauzon  
Directors-at-Large:  Dr. Adrian Van Den Hoven, Dr. Geri Salinitri, Dr. Christina Simmons
Webmaster:  Mr. Richard Dumala 

Scholarship Committee:  Dr. Ron Barron, Dr. Dale Rajacich, Dr. Barbara Thomas  
Communications Committee:  Ms. Gwendolyn Ebbett, Dr. Karen Roland, Dr. Bruce Elman (Chair), Mr. Richard Dumala, Mr. Joe Saso 
Editorial Board (part of the Communications Committee): Dr. Bruce Elman, Dr. Stuart Selby, Mr. Richard Dumala  
Nominating Committee: Mr. Roger Lauzon, Dr. Barbara Thomas, Dr. Norman King, Dr. Geri Salinitri  
Pension and Benefits Committee:  Ms. Johanna Foster, Dr. Lucia Yiu, Dr. Ihor Stebelsky  
Social Committee:    Dr. Mary Lou Drake, Dr. Anne Forrest, Dr. Walter (Jake) Soderlund, Dr. Christina Simmons (Chair)  

Membership Committee:   Dr. Norman King, Mr. Roger Lauzon, Dr. Walter (Jake) Soderlund  
Research Support Group Committee:  Dr. Adrian Van Den Hoven, Dr. Walter (Jake) Soderlund, Dr. Laurie Carty, Dr. Michelle Freeman 
Travel Grant Review Committee: Dr. Geri Salinitri (Chair), Prof. Susan Gold Smith  


Bylaw and Constitution Review Committee: Dr. Veronika Mogyorody (Co-Chair), Dr. Janice Drakich (Co-Chair), Dr. Kathleen McCrone, Prof. Brian Mazer  

WUFA Contract Committee:   
WUFA Executive Committee:  Dr. Adrian Van Den Hoven  
WUFA Faculty Council:   Dr. Larry Glassford  
WUFA Retirement & Benefits Committee: Ms. Johanna Foster, Dr. Lucia Yiu, Dr. Ihor Stebelsky  

Joint Consultative Committee (JCC):   Ms. Gwendolyn Ebbett, Dr. Veronika Mogyorody  
Retiree Healthcare Subsidy Committee:   
Retired Members Pension Committee (D.7):   

Board of Governors Pension Committee: Dr. John Meyer

College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC): Ms. Gwendolyn Ebbett or delegate