Academic accommodations are highly individualized and are determined on a case by case basis, based on the specific individual needs and recommendations included in each student’s documentation.
Classroom accommodations are adjustments provided to ensure that students with disabilities have fair and equal access to the curriculum and an opportunity to process classroom information in a way that respects and addresses differences in learning styles, strengths, and needs. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Assistance from a note taker
- Use of a laptop for note-taking
- Preferential seating (usually at the front of the class)/ Ergonomic modifications
- Provision of written material in advance (overheads, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes)
- Textbooks or articles in an alternate format (tape, Braille, large type, PDF, or other electronic text)
- Use of an audio recording device
Examination accommodations are adjustments to standard exam conditions that lessen the impact of the disability without fundamentally altering the nature of security of the examination or providing an unfair advantage. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Extended time to write exams
- A quiet, distraction-free environment in which to write
- An alternative format for exams (i.e., large print, contrasting)
- Assistance from a reader or scribe
- Allowances for spelling/grammatical errors, with grading focus on content
- Use of a computer for essay exams
- Use of assistive technology on exams (including magnification devices). Please note that the use of assistive technology/software as an approved exam accommodation can only be authorized after students have demonstrated proficiency in its use
A note about special accommodations in residence: Students who wish to request special housing due to a documented impairment and would like to be considered for reasonable accommodations on the basis of their disability are directed to the Residence Services website for instruction. The forms necessary for making such a request are available for viewing/download on their Students Requiring Special Housing Accommodations webpage.
A note about off-campus programs: If you're in an off-campus program offered through the University of Windsor in another community (such as the MSW for Working Professionals), and you require academic accommodations as a result of a documented disability, you should begin the process of registration with SAS by contacting Student Accessibility Services, by phone or e-mail at
A note about the dual JD program in Law: Students who require accommodations from Student Accessibility Services at the University of Windsor are asked to follow the processes and procedures documented throughout this website. Students who require accommodations at University of Detroit Mercy are to follow the steps outlined here: Disability Support Services | University of Detroit Mercy ( and you may request accommodations by clicking the link here.
If you have any further questions may also reach out to: / 313-993-1158.