Pronouns & Gender Inclusive Language

What are pronouns?

Pronouns are words used to refer to a person other than their name.  In English, conventional binary pronouns he/him/his or she/her/hers imply information about the gender of the person being referred to and is a common way of communicating assumptions about a person's gender.  These assumptions are not always correct.  Some people go by the non-binary, gender-neutral pronoun set; they/them/theirs.  

Using a person's self-determined pronouns at their request, rather than assuming their pronouns, is a way of validating that we all have the right to live our truth, to share our truth, and to be granted safety, respect, and dignity in doing so.  It is a respectful and inclusive practice to use neutral pronouns, they/them/theirs when referring to any person whose pronouns you do not yet know until you are able to find out.

What are neo-pronouns?

A neopronoun can be a word created to serve as a pronoun without expressing gender, like ze/hir/hirs, xe/xem/xyrs, ey/em/eirs to just capture a few.

A neopronoun can also be a so-called "noun-self pronoun," in which a pre-existing word is drafted into use as a pronoun

Why do we share our pronouns?

When we share our pronouns, we name the correct pronouns to use for us. When we share our pronouns and ask for others’, we demonstrate respect and contribute to inclusivity. Together, we help counteract harmful assumptions within ourselves that gender looks or acts in specific ways. 

How to add your pronouns to your email signature:

  1.  log into your outlook
  2. click on settings
  3. click accounts
  4. click on signatures
  5. you will be able to edit a current signature or create a new one.  

Please be sure to check the accessibility of your email signature by using the accessibility button located on the bottom of you screen

If you require assistance please reach out to and use "signature" in your subject

Want to learn more?

  • The Pronoun Workshop by the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Resistance, and Support
  • The Inclusive Language Workshop by the Writing Support Desk