Travel Immunization


Information about the following issues can be found in the subsequent links:

  • current information on international disease outbreaks,
  • immunization recommendations for international travel,
  • general health advice for international travellers,
  • disease-specific treatment and prevention guidelines

Travel Health - Health Canada
Travel Health - CDC Atlanta, USA


When travelling outside Canada/USA travel immunization advice is recommended. Immunizations cannot all be given at the same time, so see your physician 2 - 3 months before your departure date.

Note: There is a charge for travel immunization information.
Ontario Health Insurance does not cover this assessment.

Student Health Services charges $50 for consultation with a physician and $15 for every injection for Typhim and Japanese Encephalitis.. OHIP does not cover travel immunization.


Student Health Services, 2nd floor, CAW Student Centre 519-973-7002 (fee)


Provincial Travel Clinic 519-250-6961 (fee)
TMC Clinic Windsor  519-944-1344 (also offers yellow fever immunization)