Science Certificate Programs

Images of science field study featuring students & researchers and listing the certificates available to earn

Why just get a single degree?  In the Faculty of Science at the University of Windsor you can Enhance Your Degree through one of our new Certificates in addition to minors that are available from most programs across campus.  The Certificates provide you with the technical and soft skills that employers are seeking, making you more marketable.

There are currently 12 certificates available: Statistical Consulting, Film and Media for the Sciences, Science Communication, Biological Conservation, Environmental Assessment, Greenhouse Science, Applied IT, Geographic Information Science, Forensic Science, Economic Analysis and Policy, Quantitative Economics and Physics.

Below, find the courses required for each certificate.


Certificate in Applied Information Technology 

Total courses: 8
Students must maintain an average of 60% or better in the following courses: 

  • COMP-1047
  • COMP-2067 (or COMP-1400)
  • COMP-2057
  • COMP-2077
  • COMP-2097
  • COMP-2707
  • COMP-3057
  • COMP-3077


Certificate in Biological Conservation:

A. Required courses (3)

  • BIOL 2101 Ecology
  • BIOL 3142 Evolution
  • BIOL 4270 Conservation biology

B. Taxon-specific courses (3 courses): Students must select three courses from the following:

  • BIOL 3291 Invertebrate biology
  • BIOL 3241 Fish and fisheries
  • BIOL 3261 Ornithology
  • BIOL 3201/FRSC 3201 Applied entomology
  • BIOL 3281 Plant ecology
  • BIOL 2080 Economic botany

C. Concept courses (3 courses): Students must select three courses from the following:

  • BIOL 3230 Animal Behaviour
  • BIOL 4280 Limnology
  • BIOL 4212 Speciation
  • BIOL 4241 Stream Ecology
  • BIOL 3250 Population and Community Ecology
  • BIOL 4232 Pollution Ecology

D. Research/field experience/internship (1 course): Students must select one course form the following:

  • BIOL 4904 Undergraduate Research in Biology
  • SCIE 3900 Undergraduate Research Experience
  • BIOL 4864 Great lakes Field Biology
  • BIOL 4874 Field course in Tropical Ecology
  • ESCI 3735- (abroad section) Field methods for Environmental Science
  • Any field course from the OUPFB
  • SCIE 3990 Internship

Certificate in Economic Analysis and Policy


Degree requirements

Total courses: 8

Required courses: (4 courses)

ECON-1100 Introduction to Economics I

ECON-2210 Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON-3100 Environmental and Resource Economics

ECON-4600 Cost Benefit Analysis

Take 4 Additional Courses:

ECON-2900. Health Economics

ECON-3850. Public Sector Economics: Expenditure

ECON-3730. International Economics: Trade Theory and Policy

ECON-4160. Urban and Regional Economics

ECON-4860. Public Sector Economics: Finance (prerequisite is 2220)

ECON-3310. The Economics of Legal Procedures, Crime and Punishment

ECON-4300. Economic Analysis of Law

ECON-3530. Labour Institutions

POLS-3540. Political Problems of Economic Development

POLS-3550. Political Economy of International Trade

POLS-2120. Environmental Policy and Politics


While this certificate program is designed for economics students, it is available to any student with an interest in economic analysis for public policy who has available electives. However, students in degree programs outside of economics will likely be required to take additional courses beyond what is included in their degree program.

Certificate in Environmental Assessment:

A. Introduction to Science Communication (1 course): Students must select one course from the following:

  • SCIE 1000 Communicating Science in the Wider World
  • ESCI 3801 Scientific Writing and Data Management

B. Scientific Principles and Knowledge (2 courses): Students must select two courses from the following:

  • ESCI 2131 Introduction to Geochemistry
  • ESCI 2141 Hydrology
  • ESCI 2210 Introduction to Climate Change

C. Techniques (5 Courses): Students complete all five courses (with the exception of choosing between two field courses):

  • ESCI 1151 Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems
  • ESCI 2111 Aerial photography and Introductory Remote Sensing
  • ESCI 2705 Applied Geophysics
  • ESCI 3711 Principles of Instrumental Analysis
  • ESCI 3735 Field Methods for Environmental Sciences OR ESCI 3755 Methods in Great Lakes Geomicrobiology

D. Environmental Assessment (2 courses): Students complete both courses:

  • ESCI 3610 Environmental Impact Assessment
  • ESCI 4710 Environmental Site Assessment

Certificate in Film and Media for the Sciences:

A. Introduction to Science Communication

  • SCIE 1000 Communicating Science in the Wider World

B. Scientific Principles and Knowledge (4 courses)

  • Three of the following (only one from each of 1-8):
  1. BIOL 1003, BIOL 1101, BIOL 1111
  2. CHEM 1000, CHEM 1100
  3. ESCI 1100, ESCI 1130
  4. PHYS 1300, PHYS 1400
  5. MATH 1720, 1250 (MATH 1760, MATH 1260 if MCV4U not taken)
  6. ECON 1100
  7. COMP 1000, COMP 1400
  8. PSYC 1150
  • One of the following: STAT 2910 OR STAT 2920 OR SOSC 2500

C. Film-making and Media Communications (4 courses)

  • CMAF 1010, CMAF 1120, CMAF 1130, CMAF 2320

D. Capstone: Bringing it all together

  • SCIE 4000 Science in the Media

Degree Requirements

Total courses: 8

(a) Fundamentals of forensic science (four required courses):

• FRSC 1101/1107 Introductory Crime Scene Investigation

• FRSC 2007 Introduction to Forensic Science

• FRSC 2100 Crime Scene Evidence Analysis

• SACR 2150 Principles of Physical Anthropology

(b) Hands on skills (1 course): Students must select one course from the following:

• FRSC 3105 Forensic Identification

• FRSC 3101 Forensic Science Laboratory

(c) Legal Context (1 course): Students must select one course from the following:

• LAWS 2190 Forensic Evidence and the Canadian Legal System

• FRSC 3010 Expert Witness in Forensic Science

(d) Advanced Knowledge and Skills (2 courses): Students must select two courses from the following:

• SACR 3230 Forensic Anthropology

• FRSC 3201 Applied Entomology

• FRSC 3217 Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis

• FRSC 4207 New Perspectives in Forensic Evidence Analysis

• FRSC 4217 Advances in Human Identification

• FRSC 4227 Forensic Medicine: Toxins and Pathology

• FRSC 4237 Bioterrorism


This certificate program is designed for Science but is also available to any student with an interest in forensic sciences who has available open courses.


Certificate in Geographic Information Science (GISc) 

Total courses: 9

  • ESCI-1141 Cartography and Digital Mapping
  • ESCI-1151 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
  • ESCI-2721 Introduction to Image Processing & Remote Sensing
  • ESCI-2701 Geospatial Data Collection & Database Design
  • ESCI-2711 Scripting & Programming in GIS
  • ESCI-3701 Spatial Modelling in GIS
  • ESCI-3761 Geostatistical Analysis in GIS
  • ESCI-3771 GeoWeb and Geoportal Development
  • ESCI-4911 GIS Capstone Research Project

Certificate in Greenhouse Science:

A. Required courses (8 courses):

  • ESCI 1100 Introduction to Environmental Science
  • ESCI 2131 Introduction to Geochemistry
  • ESCI 2201 Climatology
  • BIOL 2080 Economic Botany
  • BIOL 3281 Plant Ecology
  • BIOL 3201/FRSC-3201 Applied Entomology
  • SCIE 3990 Internship*
  • ESCI 4808-section 25 Integrated Pest Management

B. Optional (2 courses): Students must select two courses from the Optional Course List:

  • ESCI 4721 Biogeochemistry
  • ESCI 3751 Environmental Geochemistry
  • ESCI 2421 Soils and sediments
  • ESCI 2600 Principles of Resource Management
  • ESCI 2210 Introduction to Climate Change
  • ESCI 3735 Field Methods for Environmental Science OR ESCI 3755 Methods in Great Lakes Geomicrobiology
  • BIOL 3250 Population and Community Ecology

Honours Certificate in Physics

Admission Requirements

A candidate for the Honours Certificate in Physics shall hold a degree in:

(i)Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Physics with a minimum CGPA of 65% or

(ii)A four-year Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics or other fields

related to Physics with a minimum CGPA of 65%.

The program can also be taken concurrently by third and fourth year students at the University of

Windsor in Engineering and Science Fields.

Certificate in Physics

Total courses: 8

Degree requirements:

PHYS-3115. Atomic and Molecular Spectra

PHYS-3200. Electromagnetic Theory

PHYS-3500. Classical Mechanics

One 3000 or 4000 level course in Science. It is recommended that students complete either PHYS-3900.

Techniques in Experimental Physics I, PHYS-3600. Computational Physics, or PHYS-3610. The

Mathematics of Physics.

PHYS-4100. Quantum Mechanics I

PHYS-3210. Electromagnetic Waves

PHYS-4130. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics

One of SCIE-3800, SCIE-3900, or SCIE-3990.


Students intending to proceed to a graduate program in Physics are encouraged to take SCIE-3900, and work in a research group to acquire research skills.


Notes: Students without prior course work in PHYS-2210 (modern physics or equivalent); PHYS-2500 (Mechanics or equivalent); MATH-2780 (vector calculus or equivalent); Math-2790 (differential equations or equivalent); MATH-3550 (special functions or equivalent) must complete these courses (or their equivalents) to allow enrolment in the required certificate courses named above as they are the necessary pre-requisites.

To qualify for the certificate, students will be required to successfully complete all eight courses at the University of Windsor. No transfer credit will be considered for this certificate. No courses taken as part of the Honours Certificate in Physics can count towards a graduate degree.

Certificate in Quantitative Economics


Degree requirements

Total courses: 8

Required courses: (5 courses)

ECON-1100 Introduction to Economics I

ECON-2120 Intermediate Statistical Methods (or STAT-2950 Introduction to Statistics)

ECON-3060 Mathematical Economics I

ECON-3130 Introduction to Econometric Methods I

ECON-4600 Cost-Benefit Analysis/Excel application in Economics

Take 3 Additional Courses:

ECON-3850 Public Sector Economics: Expenditure

ECON-4860 Public Sector Economics: Finance

ECON-3730 International Economics: Trade Theory and Policy

ECON-3740 International Economics: Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments

ECON-4140 Introduction to Econometric Method II

MSCI-1000. Introduction to Business Data Analysis

MKTG-3370. Quantitative Analysis for Marketing Decisions

FINA-2700. Business Finance I

COMP-2067 Programming for Beginners

COMP-1400 Introduction to Algorithms and Programming I

COMP-1410 Introduction to Algorithms and Programming II

COMP-1400 is a prerequisite and thus should be taken before enrolling in COMP-1410


While this certificate program is designed for economics students, it is available to any student with an interest in quantitative economics who has available electives (particularly mathematics, computer science, and business students). However, students in degree programs outside of science will likely be required to take additional courses beyond what is included in their degree program.


Certificate in Science Communication:

A. Introduction to Science Communication

  • SCIE-1000 Communicating Science in the Wider World

B. Scientific Principles and Knowledge (4 courses)

  • Three of the following (only one from each of 1-8):
  1. BIOL 1003, BIOL 1101, BIOL 1111
  2. CHEM 1000, CHEM 1100
  3. ESCI 1100, ESCI 1130
  4. PHYS 1300, PHYS 1400
  5. MATH 1720, 1250 (MATH 1760, MATH 1260 if MCV4U not taken)
  6. ECON 1100
  7. COMP 1000, COMP 1400
  8. PSYC 1150, PSYC 1160
  • One of the following: STAT 2910 OR STAT 2920 OR SOSC 2500

C. Knowledge, Ethics and Practice in Science (1 course)

  • Science students: ESCI 3801 OR BIOL 3022 OR PHYS-4000 OR ECON 4070 (where available as a requirement or option within a degree program) OR PHIL 2550 OR PSYC-2300
  • FAHSS students (or non-science students): PHIL 2550 OR PSYC-2300 OR One 2000+ level course in science that counts as a credit for a major.

D. Journalism, Communications and Media Principles (or other courses in the spirit of this requirement, with the permission of the Dean or Delegate) (3 courses)

  • CMAF 1010 and two of CMAF-1120, CMAF-1130, CMAF-2250, CMAF 2130, CMAF 2610, CMAF 3610, SCIE-3700 (if appropriate)

E. Capstone: Bringing it all together

  • SCIE-4000: Science in the Media

Certificate in Statistical Consulting:

A. Introduction to Science Communication

  • SCIE-1000 Communicating Science in the Wider World

B. Statistical and Mathematical Knowledge

  • MATH-1730 Integral Calculus
  • MATH-2250 Linear Algebra II
  • STAT-2950 Introduction to Statistics
  • STAT-4980 Experimental Design
  • STAT-4981 Sampling Theory
  • STAT-4460 Statistical Data Analysis  
  • STAT 4550 Regression Analysis

C. Capstone

  • STAT-4600 Practicum in Statistical Consulting 

Please note there is an Anthrozoology certificate offered through the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences that includes biology courses. Find it on the FAHSS website.