


A sabbatical leave is a period granted to a faculty member with tenure or librarian with permanence to undertake a program of independent study, research, or creative activity. A sabbatical is not available to an untenured faculty member, although the period spent as an untenured faculty member counts for eligibility.

Sabbaticals are governed by Article 17 of the Collective Agreement.

Who Are Eligible for a Sabbatical?

All tenured faculty and librarians with permanence are eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave. Eligibility is governed by Article 17.04.

An applicant must have accumulated either six years of continuous appointment prior to the period they plan to commence their sabbatical for a sabbatical of one year, and three years of continuous appointment for a sabbatical of six months.

Sabbatical Application Form

The sabbatical leave form can be found on the Provost’s home page.

The obligation is on the applicant to complete the form and to demonstrate how they meet the criteria. The sabbatical must outline a clear and distinct plan of what is to be undertaken and accomplished during the sabbatical. The head should ensure that there are defined and achievable outcomes from the sabbatical.

Sabbatical Application Deadlines

Applications for sabbaticals must be completed and filed with the dean and head on or before September 1 of the academic year preceding the year for which the leave is requested. It is normal for a head to send a note to faculty reminding them of the need to apply for sabbatical well in advance of the deadline (Article 17.05[a]).

The dean and the head must provide a letter of appraisal of the plan and make a recommendation concerning the sabbatical.

Sabbatical applications, together with the head’s and dean’s recommendations are received in the Provost’s office where they are placed before the Sabbatical Review Committee (Deans, University Librarian, and Provost).

While on Sabbatical

Sabbaticals are usually taken at 80% of salary. Where the department requests a postponement of the sabbatical for a year, the applicant is entitled to either a 5% increase while on sabbatical or to have the year taken as postponement count towards their net sabbatical entitlement (Article 17.12).

Where a faculty member wishes to change their sabbatical plan after commencement they must obtain the Dean’s written approval (17.07[b] and [d]).

While on sabbatical, the member is not entitled to participate in regular teaching or any administrative duties. This is set by Senate Policy to ensure that the faculty member uses the sabbatical leave for the purposes for which it is intended. However, a member on sabbatical is entitled to vote in person or in absentia on appointments concerning appointments of faculty to the AAU, AAU head, Associate Dean, or Dean.

Related resource:

Role of Sabbaticants in University Governance

Upon Return from Sabbatical

A faculty member is required to file a sabbatical report within 90 days of completion of the sabbatical period to the Provost with copies to the dean and head of department (Article 17.07[c]).

For further information, consult the relevant Senate Bylaws and Collective Agreement documents.


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