Dr. Beth Daly
Associate Professor, Anthroozology
Please note: Dr. Daly is on sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Email: bethdaly@uwindsor.ca
Phone: (519) 253-3000, ext. 3831
Office: Room 2123 Chrysler Hall North
Education: Ph.D., University of Windsor, 2004
Courses Taught (past and current)
Phone: (519) 253-3000, ext. 3831
Office: Room 2123 Chrysler Hall North
Education: Ph.D., University of Windsor, 2004
Courses Taught (past and current)
ANZO-1600: Animals and Humans in Society
ANZO-2600: Animals For Sport & Entertainment
80-203: Educational Psychology
80-315: Mathematical Methodology
80-301: Language Arts Methodology
I believe it’s important for people to regard the significance of human-animal relationships and to recognize and acknowledge their value within different contexts, including as companions, as sources of food and entertainment, as therapeutic partners, and even as pests.
I am particularly interested in exploring historical changes in these diverse relationships due to human influence and awareness. My research interests are varied. Most recently, I am embarking on a research project related to purebred dogs, and I am also working on a manuscript on the topic of unwanted sport horses.
Colleagues Nik Taylor (Flinders University, Australia), Tania Signal (Central Queensland University, Australia), and I have just published an article in Anthrozoos examining differences in reactions to animal abuse and child abuse, and we have just completed another manuscript reporting research related to attitudes toward animals and the relationship to eating meat.