Careers, Internships, and Volunteer Positions in Anthrozoology

Thinking about careers in anthrozoology? You’ve come to the right page! Surf around! This page provides links to the employment and volunteer sites of a wide range of organizations related to human-animal interactions, including shelters, zoos, political action groups, etc.

From these, you will be able to glean the wide range of career opportunities available for individuals who are interested in working in some way in the field of anthrozoology.

A note about eligibility for these positions: Please note that some of these links are for positions outside Canada, and you may not be eligible for them because of citizenship limitations or lack of qualifications.

However, as noted above, these links are intended to give you an overview of the types of jobs that are available, and to help you consider the career path upon which you may wish to embark.

Local Job Opportunities

Provincial Job Opportunities

National Job Opportunities

Career Description/Possibilities

Certified Animal Safety Representative, American Human No Animals Were Harmed Entertainment program


Volunteer Opportunities


Updated: December 18, 2023