Dr. Ming Zheng
Professor, MAME, University of Windsor;
Fellow of SAE; Fellow of ASME
Director of the Clean Combustion Engine Laboratory.
PhD (Calgary, Canada), PEng, MSc (Tsinghua, China), BSc (Transport Tech., China).
Research areas: Clean combustion including diesel combustion, low temperature combustion, diesel HCCI and PCCI, adaptive combustion control, high energy spark ignition and control, EGR hydrogen-reforming, active flow control aftertreatment, engine modeling, diagnosis, and dynamometer tests, biofuel and biodiesel research
Dr. Graham Reader
Professor and Special Adviser to the President, University of Windsor;
Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.
BTech (Hons) (Bradford), BA (OU), PSc (JSDC), PhD, (Bradford), PEng, CMarE, CEng, EurIng, FIMarEST (1985).
Research areas: Energy conversion, clean diesel engine technology, stirling cycle machines, underwater vehicles, military history
Dr. Xiang Chen
Professor and Department Head, ECE, University of Windsor;
PhD (1998, Louisiana State University), MSc (1996, Louisiana State University).
Research areas: Network based control system, robust and nonlinear control, vision based motion control, control applications in automotive and manufacturing systems
Dr. David S-K. Ting
Professor, MAME, University of Windsor.
PhD (Alberta), MSc (Alberta), PEng (Alberta & Ontario)

Research Scientist
PhD (Calgary, Canada), MSc (Peking, China), BSc (Peking, China).
Research areas: Engine emission reduction, aftertreatment, chemical kinetics of combustion, combustion control and analytical instrument automation
Dr. Shui Yu
Senior Research Associate, technical director
Research areas: Ignition, engine combustion and control, optical diagnosis
Background: Dr. Shui Yu joined the Clean Combustion Engine Lab as a post-doctoral fellow in June 2009. He finished his PhD in Tongji University in China. As a leading researcher in the Clean Combustion Engine Lab, he is focused on advanced ignition research.
Dr. Tadanori Yanai
Post-doctoral fellow
Research areas: Alternative fuels combustion
Background: Dr. Tadanori Yanai has been a post-doctoral fellow of Clean Combustion Engine Lab since September 2011. He obtained his PhD from Ibaraki University in Japan in March 2011. He worked at the National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and Technology in Japan before he joined the laboratory. His research focuses on alternative fuel combustion in diesel engines.
Dr. Xiao Yu
Post-doctoral fellow, principle researcher
Research areas: Ignition, engine combustion and control
Background: Dr. Xiao Yu finished his Ph.D. degree in Tongji University in China in July 2014, and he joined the Clean Combustion Engine Lab as a post-doctoral fellow in November 2014. He is now focusing on advanced ignition research with the aim to establish a robust flame kernel under lean/diluted conditions, as well as to extend the ignitable limit of air-fuel mixture.
Marko Jeftić
Research associate (PhD 2016)
Research areas: Diesel emissions and aftertreatment
Background: Marko Jeftić joined the Clean Combustion Research Group in January 2009. He completed his master’s degree in 2011 and he is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Windsor. His past and current research areas include lean-burn engine de-NOx aftertreatment, lean-burn engine post-injection combustion, and GDI and diesel injector characterization.
Prasad Divekar
Research associate (PhD 2016)
Research areas: Combustion control and diagnostics
Background: Prasad Divekar has been a PhD candidate at the Clean Combustion Engine Laboratory since September 2010. Prior to joining CCEL, he attended Clemson University, SC, USA, and successfully obtained a Master’s of Science degree in Automotive Engineering in August 2010. Earlier in 2008, Prasad completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile Engineering at the Shivaji University in Maharashtra, India. He is currently co-supervised by Prof. Ming Zheng and Prof. Xiang Chen and his research pertains to combustion control and diagnostics.
Kelvin Xie
Research associate (PhD 2018)
Research areas: Combustion, emissions, speciation and optical diagnostics
Background: Kelvin Xie is a Ph.D. candidate and has been at the Clean Combustion Engine Lab since 2012 after finishing his M.A.Sc. Degree in the same lab. His research focus is combustion and ignition research.
Tongyang Gao
Research associate (PhD 2017)
Research areas: Bio-fuel combustion and fuel injection diagnostics
Background: Tongyang Gao completed his Master’s degree in the Clean Combustion Engine Lab in 2011 and is currently pursuing his Ph.D degree.
Shouvik Dev
Research associate
Research areas: Combustion diagnostics using experimental and computational tools
Background: Shouvik Dev is presently pursuing a doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering. Shouvik joined the laboratory in 2012, and subsequently completed his degree of Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from University of Windsor in 2013. The title of his thesis was “An Investigation of a Diesel Liquid Injector in a Simulated Exhaust Flow”. Previously, he had worked at Tata Motors Limited in India from 2008 to 2011. At Tata Motors, he was associated with assignments on product development, manufacturing design, quality improvement, and technical training. Shouvik graduated from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2008 with a degree in Bachelor of Production Engineering with Honors.
Qingyuan Tan
Research associate
Research areas: Engine real-time control and combustion optimization.
Background: Qingyuan Tan is a Ph.D. student at the Clean Combustion Engine Lab. He obtained his bachelor’s degree (B.Eng.) in instrumentation and control science in China and his Master's degree in bio microfluidics in Canada (M.A.Sc.). He is currently working on model-based and data-driven control and calibration for real-time engine combustion optimization within constrained domains.
Zhenyi Yang
Research assistant
Research areas: Engine pressure wave actions
Background: Zhenyi Yang finished her M.A.Sc degree in the Clean Combustion Engine Lab in September 2015 and currently works as a research assistant. She got her BSc and M.A.Sc degree in fluid mechanics and machinery from China Agricultural University and worked as an engineer in China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. For three years. Her research topic is on pressure wave actions in an engine system.
Geraint Bryden
Research assistant
Research areas: Heat release analysis
Background: Geraint Bryden is a research assistant in the Clean Diesel Engine Laboratory. He is a Master's student in his second year at the University of Windsor. His research focus is presently on cycle-to-cycle variation. His work in the lab includes fabrication of lab equipment, LabView programming, and simulation.
Christopher Aversa
Research assistant
Research areas: Engine aftertreatment
Background: Christopher Aversa is a Master’s student in his second year of study at the Clean Combustion Engine Laboratory. His research topic is on diesel aftertreatment with a special focus on selective catalytic reducer catalysts.
Mark Ives
Research assistant
Research areas: Computational and experimental study of air motion in diesel engines
Background: Mark Ives is currently pursuing a M.A.Sc degree in Mechanical Engineering. Mark recently graduated from the University of Windsor and earned a B.A.Sc degree in Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Option in August 2014 and joined the group in September 2014. He also earned a diploma from St. Clair College in Mechanical Engineering Technology – Automotive Product Design in 2010.