Cupcakes capture attention of campus community

A cupcake giveaway Wednesday in the CAW Student Centre served its purpose of bringing attention to the University’s 50th anniversary, organizers say.

“We had a really nice turnout,” says chief communications officer Holly Ward. “It is important for us to make sure the campus community is aware of what we’re doing. We will be launching advertising soon, but the current students and employees are really a core part of the celebration.”

Flecked with gold to symbolize the golden anniversary, the cupcakes were distributed along with literature outlining plans for Celebration Weekend activities, scheduled from September 19 to 22.

Second-year student Emily Jaarsma hadn’t heard too much about the anniversary, but says she plans to get involved in the fall.

“I am looking forward to it,” she says. “The events look really interesting.”

Among the activities planned to mark the University’s 50th anniversary are class reunions, a vintage car show, homecoming football game, children’s fun zone, signature entertainment at Caesars Windsor, and more.

For more information on the 50th Anniversary Weekend, including a sign-up for volunteer opportunities, visit

David Potocek

David Potocek of Catering Services places out cupcakes in preparation for the giveaway Wednesday in the CAW Student Centre. See more photos from the event on the University’s Facebook page.