It can be stressful for students when they’re not sure about their career options after graduation, but the Virtual Job Shadow Experience can help them learn about potential opportunities.
Career Development and Experiential Learning is looking for professionals to host students for the Virtual Job Shadow Experience. This career development initiative helps UWindsor students better understand how to connect their studies to the workplace, allowing them to gain a clearer picture of their goals after graduation.
This will be the third time that the Job Shadow Experience program is running, but the very first time that it will be virtual.
“We’re excited to be able to deliver this program in a new format that allows for distancing during COVID-19 times,” says Kerri Zold, manager of Career Development and Experiential Learning (CDEL). “Students will still get to learn from professionals in their fields and experience aspects of occupations that interest them, but they will do it all online.”
For the Virtual Job Shadow Experience, students will participate in online career conversations with the hosts and have one other virtual learning experience (such as observing a demonstration of a work sample, a virtual tour of the organization, participation in a virtual meeting, or a mock interview with human resources).
“We have many terrific employer and community partners,” says Judy Bornais, executive director of the Office of Experiential Learning. “This is a great opportunity for them to give back to our students and help them to learn about different positions that exist which they may aspire to pursue in the future.”
Virtual Job Shadow Experience 2020 is set for the University’s reading week, Oct. 13 to 16.
CDEL is seeking hosts for this mentorship opportunity. If you or someone you know are looking to exercise leadership and mentorship qualities, find out more and register by Sept. 4 on the Job Shadow Experience host page.
For more information, contact career consultant Farrah Francis at Farrah.Francis@uwindsor.ca, or career advisor Stephanie Dupley at Stephanie.Dupley@uwindsor.ca.